Justin Fagnani

Programming and things

Reactive State with Signals in Lit

Today the Lit project release a new Lit Lab's package that I've been working on for a while that integrates the Signals TC39 Proposal with Lit: `@lit-labs/signals`! 🎉

How to Publish Web Components to NPM

What follows is my personal checklist for publishing web components to npm. This checklist attempts to maximize compatibility, standards compliance, flexibility, and usefulness to your users.

Enhancing Mixins with Decorator Functions

Last time, in "Real" Mixins with JavaScript Classes, we saw how we can create powerful ES6 mixins by using class expressions as subclass factories. Now, let's look at some enhancements that make our mixins more powerful, in a way still requires no framework for mixin users, and is…

"Real" Mixins with JavaScript Classes

Mixins and Javascript: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Mixins and JavaScript are a like the classic Clint Eastwood movie. The good is that composing objects out of small pieces of implementation is even possible due to JavaScript's flexible nature, and that mixins are fairly popular in certain circles.

Getting Things Done... Like This Blog!

I've intended to launch a blog at justinfagnani.com for a very, very long time now. Prevailing over my procrastinating and complexifying nature I've finally done it, but only by cutting almost every corner possible. After a brief flirtation with blogging about Dart at dartery.blogspot.com, I wanted a…